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Christina Kelso
c/o Patriot Mail Project
124 Five Forks Dr
PMB# 101
King NC 27021
J6er HOME STATE | Birth Day | Military / LEO Description |
CA |
Date of Initial Arrest | TRIAL DATE | Sentencing Date |
05/08/2024 | 09/08/2025 |
Sentence Start Date | RELEASE DATE | Updated Date |
01/24/2025 |
Pre-Trial Incarceration | Waiting to start sentence | Serving Sentence |
No | No | No |
Charged, Ongoing, Awaiting Trial
From Christina "I went to January 5th and 6th for a redress of my 2020 grievances such as masks, lockdowns, and other Covid mandates. I was carrying big signs made from templates created by Citizens for Free Speech."
Next hearing is set for 10/10/24. Potential trial is set for 3/31/25.
Knowingly Entering or Remaining in any Restricted Building or Grounds Without Lawful Authority; Disorderly Conduct on Capitol Grounds; Obstruction of Justice/Congress; Obstruction of Law Enforcement during Civil Disorder
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