James Robinson
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J6er HOME STATE | Birth Day | Military / LEO Description |
PA | 24-Jan |
Date of Initial Arrest | TRIAL DATE | Sentencing Date |
08/05/2022 | 05/09/2023 |
Sentence Start Date | RELEASE DATE | Updated Date |
06/23/2023 | 12/19/2023 | 02/05/2025 |
Pre-Trial Incarceration | Waiting to start sentence | Serving Sentence |
No | No | No |
Charged, Sentenced, Incarcerated, Released / Time Served, Free
59 years old
Schwenksville, Pennsylvania
Sentenced on 5/9/2023 to 6 months of incarceration; $1,000 fine; $500 restitution; $10 special assessment.
Robinson pleaded Guilty to one charge: Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building. Sentenced on 5/9/2023 to 6 months of incarceration; $1,000 fine; $500 restitution; $10 special assessment.
Charges: Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building or Grounds (1) Disorderly and Disruptive Conduct in a Restricted Building or Grounds (2) Disorderly Conduct in a Capitol Building or Grounds (3) Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol Building (4)